7 March 2025
Picture of APHN ADMIN


Guiyuan-APHN Medical Social Worker Bootcamp in China 

The Psychosocial Care Training Program took place from September 2023 to June 2024, involving 16 social workers and physicians. Its goal was to improve their capabilities in delivering compassionate care to patients with advanced illnesses.


The Psychosocial Care Training Program took place from September 2023 to June 2024, involving 16 social workers and physicians. Its goal was to improve their capabilities in delivering compassionate care to patients with advanced illnesses.

Key Components

  • Comprehensive Learning Experience:

    ◦ Participants participated in lectures, workshops, case studies, and simulations.
    ◦ The focus was on understanding psychosocial distress and evaluating it using evidence-based tools.

  • Holistic Care Approaches:

    ◦ The program highlighted the importance of thorough psychosocial assessments and customized interventions.
    ◦ It integrated psychosocial care with medical treatment to enhance patient outcomes.

  • Empowerment of Healthcare Professionals:

    ◦ It incorporated self-care and resilience training to help professionals cope with the emotional demands of their roles.
    ◦ The aim was to improve both professional capabilities and personal development.

  • Grief and Bereavement Management:

    ◦ This component examined the grieving process and methods for supporting patients and their families.
    ◦ Training included how to facilitate challenging conversations and provide emotional support.


  • This program is crafted to transform palliative care, equipping healthcare professionals with vital skills to positively influence the lives of patients and their families.

Feedback from participants during the on-site supervision and graduation event


Bringing Relief to Asia Together

Lien Collaborative for Palliative Care (Lien Collab) draws on philanthropy, health institutions, palliative care service providers, individuals and more to strengthen leadership and capacity in bringing pain relief to all.

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